Friday, April 10, 2009

Not Worm-Related After All

I'm still gathering up the courage to admit that I lost a lot of worms in our move, though it was only partially my fault. But I'll get to that soon.

In the meantime, check this out - a font with holes in it, to save ink! Designed in Europe, of course, by the Dutch: "After Dutch holey cheese, there now is a Dutch font with holes as well." I'm not sure what the "after" is for in that sentence, but I enjoy the sentiment. They also point out (no pun intended) that less is more.

On my screen, you have to increase the size to 30 points to see the holes. I haven't tried printing yet, but I don't anticipate that they will show up in the little guys.

Plus, the website is pretty and simple.

And the download is smooth. I started to panic because I don't know how to install a new font, but this just required a dragging into a folder. I got it done in about 55 seconds.

I'm not sure whether I should be concerned or grateful, or both, that this is the sort of thing that makes me jump around for joy. Holes in font.

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