I'm currently being challenged by ants. I have never lived anywhere that ants like to hang out, and I assure you, I am not handling it well. I like wandering about in bare feet, and I can't stand the thought of walking in ants. J. tells me that they're not coming in for a REASON, they just lived here first, but it seems to me as though they'd be happier hanging out under the deck where there's sand they can build stuff with. When they come in here all they get is stepped on.
But I digress. I went out on my bike the other day, to get a feel for the new route to work. I was rewarded by a sighting of this bumper sticker, on a Subaru that parks at the end of the street:
Wouldn't THAT be something. And here's what Portland looks like just before it decides it's time for spring:
All gray and stick-y. But wide-open and promising nonetheless...
That bumper sticker is so eastern Maine/ and or western Oregon.
Indeed! The former, in fact. It's bumper sticker heaven around here as I imagine it is in the other Portland - some hilarious, others a little on the righteous side (even on the same car)...
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