Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Soon, I Promise!

One of the very real perils of a housewarming party is that things get put away and then you can't find them anymore. I've been taking pictures galore for purposes of posting about my early spring (still sprinterwing around here, actually) attempts and getting around on my bike, but in my gallant efforts to make the apartment presentable for the party, I put the camera cable somewhere really safe.

But I found it, yesterday while I was pacing around trying to be helpful with a client on the phone. So now I've got a bunch of catching up to do - a quilt of threatening clouds over Mackworth Island, a couple of brave tomato plants in my underused panniers, and more.

Also, I'm going to document the next round of sprouts (mung bean, that is, which J. found out we could grow in the dark) because I'm so impressed that we pulled it off, even though it's not that hard. I got obsessive about removing the hulls. But anyway, like I said, soon.

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